This is my recent play-for-fun, a tiny trick developing a weatherman robot on SNS.

This robot will update the HK local weather everyday at 20:00 EDT and post it on my SinaWeibo account.
- A SinaWeibo developer account to use its post API (register here. You will need either a personal webpage or an application under development for registration).
- A WorldWeatherOnline API to update weather. They provide free API to fetch the weather worldwide and pack it in popular formats like xml, json or csv.
- A Linux server.

Use urllib to run GET request to WWO, get back weather information in json
import urllib2
url = '*******************&q=HongKong&format=json&num_of_days=1&date=today&mca=no&fx24=yes&showlocaltime=yes'
response = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
json decode and extraction
In python one can easily use json library for json decoding, then extract information interested.
import json
js = json.loads(response)
w = 'Good morning! Weather robot online. Current Query: ' + js['data']['request'][0]['query'] + '.\n'
w += 'Current weather condition: ' + js['data']['current_condition'][0]['weatherDesc'][0]['value'] + ', '
w += 'Feels like ' + js['data']['current_condition'][0]['FeelsLikeC'] + ' degree Celsius' + '.'
Weibo post
Use Weibo API to publish a post.'statuses/update', status=w)
to post. Make sure to figure out the OAuth2.0 authorization before using this API.
Deploy the script on the Linux server and use
crontab -e
to set the schedule.